
A Christmas Tale for Recruitment Leaders

A Christmas Tale for Recruitment Leaders

Five years ago, I watched a programme—something like Tomorrow’s World. It showcased incredible innovations that could transform the way we live in the future. It had taken into account all sorts of new possibilities from AI. But one presentation in particular caught my attention: the potential use...

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Employment Rights Bill

Employment Rights Bill

Yesterday, the government published its new Employment Rights Bill for consideration by parliament. Most recruitment businesses in the UK are cautious about the impacts of some of the changes. Below, I’ve summarised my thoughts on what this could mean for recruitment businesses... 1) Importantly,...

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Are your team “tram track recruiters”?

Are your team “tram track recruiters”?

A business I work with has 45000 candidate records on his CRM. This was a mature business. At the same time, his team were spending 20% of net fee income (yes, 20%) on job boards and CV download services. That was having a big impact on net profit. He was a bit flummoxed. “Do we need to write...

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5 Key ways to achieve your sales goals now

5 Key ways to achieve your sales goals now

Lots of recruiters I know are struggling to build new business at the moment. In some cases, they have a team who have no experience of BD and can’t have a conversation with a client unless it’s about a specific job or candidate. In others, they find that market outreach has changed and banging...

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What BD Winners do differently…

What BD Winners do differently…

If you are going to succeed in changed market conditions, you really need to review your sales technique. I’ve been listening to recruiters in multiple different sectors, and I keep hearing them repeat self-defeating phrases. Here are 3 phrases you should remove from your tool kit without delay....

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Awards! What are they good for?

Awards! What are they good for?

Awards! What are they good for? Quite a lot, actually… I regularly help clients with writing successful award submissions, and as a recent award winner myself (pics below!), here is how they solve certain challenges and my top tips when it comes to approaching awards 👇 💥 Two of the biggest and...

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Why I’m really worried about mobile phones

Why I’m really worried about mobile phones

Yep, they have been around for a while. And they do all sorts of marvellous things, allowing recruiters to work from various locations and at times that suit clients/candidates/themselves. If you think I’m going to write about the importance of “switching off” from your phone, think again. This...

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Sport is NOT The Same as Business

Sport is NOT The Same as Business

OK, I’m calling it…   Sport is NOT business, and business is NOT sport.   In common with many, I have spent hours at conferences listening to elite athletes talk about the secrets of their success. And I’ve listened to a fair few audiobooks and podcasts as well.   The recruiter and...

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The Mystery of Temporary Recruitment Revealed

The Mystery of Temporary Recruitment Revealed

One question I encounter, more often than any other is, “how do I start a successful temporary recruitment business?” This question appears to defeat even the most experienced recruiters but they do get the message and understand the value of temporary recruitment. A temporary or contract business...

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What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

New recruitment business owners often make this mistake - in fact, more often than not. Maybe they don’t consider it important. Or maybe it gives them a nice, warm feeling when they show it to their friends and family.  But it’s the number one wasted marketing opportunity.  What is it? They name...

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Identifying the key skillset of a top biller

Fostering good habits within your business builds an infrastructure that makes virtuous behaviour more automatic. The result?  More success in realising your organisation's goals, while bolstering the opportunity to take on more challenging goals. Take a read of the infographic below to discover...

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When should you hire a back office team? Part Two

When should you hire a back office team? Part Two

In Part One of this series, I attempted to give some broad definitions of when sales-led owners of recruitment businesses should seek to develop a back-office infrastructure. We looked first at finance and compliance, and the factors that “move the dial” on whether you should hire support staff....

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When should you hire a back office team?

When should you hire a back office team?

Several clients have asked me recently, particularly the owners of high-growth recruitment businesses, to explain when they should start hiring their own back-office personnel. They are feeling significant pressure on their own time (I know, I expect a lot from my clients!) and yet are wary of...

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What candidate shortage?

What candidate shortage?

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know there is a surplus of vacancies over candidates willing to move. Consequently, there is noticeable pay inflation going on - including in the recruitment sector. But while some recruiters are ghosted by candidates, or they accept extraordinarily...

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The most challenging market ever – or is it?

The most challenging market ever – or is it?

Every day my inbox is chockful of new bits of “news” for recruiters – cataclysmic labour shortages, unhappy employees, “revenge resignations”, the skills/jobs mismatch, the rising costs of running a business... the list goes on. One recruitment business owner, of 5 years, told me yesterday that he...

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The game-changing reality for recruiters

The game-changing reality for recruiters

Most of the recruiters I know tell me that engaging great candidates is really hard. Despite increased candidate availability in some sectors, most are extremely reluctant to move and risk their employment rights. At the same time, many are dealing with a deluge of unsuitable candidates. Why?...

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Successful Adaption – Part Two

Successful Adaption – Part Two

One of the biggest fetishes in business is especially worshipped in the recruitment industry. A “never give up” mindset, the determination to “power through”, a value system that celebrates “grit” and dogged repetition. Some recruiters I know argue that this is more important than ever. I don’t...

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