Poor communication costing you time and money? Here’s how to avoid it

Published on

June 29, 2022

Written by

Alison Humphries


Regular readers will know already that I broke my arm and foot while on holiday. Consequently, I am relying on taxis to get me to the clients near me so that I can still visit in person.

I use a traditional private hire firm because I need reliability; they’ve never let me down.

Until now. As it was a rail strike day, I booked well in advance and was assured that a suitable taxi would arrive on time.

It didn’t. And the taxi firm admitted that they had taken the booking with no idea whether they’d actually be able to fulfil it.

Once I had ‘let off steam’ ☺, I thought “is there a parallel here?”

For example, when recruiters take job orders and then don’t commit to working them?

The client has an expectation that applications will be forthcoming. If they never hear from the recruiter and get told “we’re trying but we have no suitable candidates” when they chase, the client will see it as a lack of effort, with poor communication.

From the recruiter’s point of view, the job may be hard to fill, or less attractive than the other vacancies they are managing. They have to keep working many more vacancies than they will fill because the client, who has lost faith in them, now briefs multiple agencies.

It turned out that my taxi company could have got a car to me sooner, if they had communicated the challenges. They had kept on their records a note that I needed a traditional black cab because the last time I used them, I was using a wheelchair.

I’m pleased to say that I am out of the wheelchair. Any private hire car would have served, but they assumed my situation was permanent.

So, I’m asking you to ask your recruiters if they have communicated the below:

A) What steps I have taken
B) The progress or lack of it
C) What needs to change in the requirement or package to my clients? Am I not working the job? Have we collaborated? And if we take a job order, are we communicating progress enough?

I will probably still use the taxi company, but if they let me down again, I’ll be looking for an alternative.

What about your clients? It may not feel like it now, but soon you’ll be glad to have managed that relationship.

Could successful account development improve your business? To discuss this and how Alison Humphries can help you transform your efficiency, profitability and satisfaction, contact alison@recruitmentleadership.co.uk to arrange a discovery call.

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