The Two Most Important Words you Need to Hear as a Recruitment Leader…

Published on

September 14, 2022

Written by

Alison Humphries


I have 2 words for you….

Account. Development.

I have observed a “generation” of recruiters entirely focused on filling jobs. Their tools are speed and technology. I have no issue with both of these, which are sufficient for closing deals and hitting numbers – in the short term.

However, just a little bit of investigative work shows they have no follow-up plan. 

And they waste all the bi-product; all the candidates they screen out for the job.

Those candidates are your future business.

Equally, that client won’t remember you and you won’t develop them into a real “account” unless you have a plan in place to do so.

So, if you are an owner, manager, or recruiter, what are you going to do when or if your market softens? How are you ensuring the long-term viability of your business?

Read my previous blog here.

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